
8th Meeting on External Quality Assessment in Molecular Pathology

Napoli, 24-25 maggio 2019

Scarica il programma


Joint ESMO-AIOM-IQN Path session: the current status of biomarker testing in Europe

The aim of this session is to discuss with the different stakeholders (patients, medical oncologists, regulatory agencies, pharmas) the current status of access to and quality of biomarker testing in Europe.

Biomarkers for immunotherapy

In this session, the current status of biomarkers for immunotherapy will be discussed. An update of the current projects on PD-L1 and TMB testing form IQN Path and associated EQAs will be also presented.

The evolution of liquid biopsy in the management of cancer patients

In this session, the current status of the clinical implementation of liquid biopsies in clinical practice will be discussed.

The relevance of fusion genes in cancer treatment and the challenge for testing

This session will address the new treatment options for patients carrying fusion genes and highlight the challenges for testing fusions in cancer.

BRCA and HRD testing in cancer